The Ruth Rubin Legacy
Archive of Yiddish Folksongs

"Apikorsim" by the Klezmatics

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"Apikorsim" by the Klezmatics


From review on Klezmershack: "It has been a lot of years since we've heard a recording containing entirely new Klezmatics material—even more if you set aside special projects such as the Woody Guthrie Archive collaborations or their 25th anniversary party. From the opening swirls of "Der Geler Fink," followed by a slightly speeded up "Zol shoyn kumen di geulah" this is a celebration. The sound is occasionally dark; the words span life and love. The music vintage Klezmatics. It sounds good. In keeping the sometimes darker theme of the recording, we have Chava Alberstein's setting of Zishe Landau's "Ver firt di ale shifn" (who guides the ships?). The song sinks in, in waves, as the listener reflects on lost children in too many places around the globe. Elsewhere on the album, we encounter not just old and new poems set to new music, but older songs, including some gathered in the last century by folklorists Ruth Rubin and Moishe Beregovski. Fittingly, the album closes with a quiet version of an American Yiddish theatre tune, "Mazltov," with which we wish not only ourselves, but the Klezmatics good mazl." The song "Kemeshl in Ades" (Party in Odessa) on the album was collected by Ruth Rubin, and arranged by Matt Dariau, Frank London and Lorin Sklamberg.


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“"Apikorsim" by the Klezmatics,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed March 28, 2025,
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